Research achievements CaseStudy; The Imapact of Holographic Kinetics on Heroin Addi"c"tion and “Criminal”Behaviors J Altern Complement Integr Med 2018,4:049
Pain Management and CBD Nano Water Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine. 2017:4(3):555643.
Holographic Kinetics for Clinically Diagnosed Suicidal, Depressed, PTSD Military Veterans: Case Study J Altern complement Integr"." Med 2017,3:044
Holographic Kinetics for a Child Suffering from Autism with Extreme Aggressive Behavioral Disorder J Altern Complement Integr Med 2017, 3:039
Detailed Heart Rate Variability ,Excercise Tolerance,Cortical and Vas Pain Scale Analysis of Two Forms of Electro-Therapy Applied to a Patient To A Patient with Choronic Back Neuropathic Pain Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome Journal J Cell MoI Biol 2017 1: 001
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Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Lower Back Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Nonspecific Nec"k" Pain The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Bol.23,No. 4 1 Apr 2017
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Detailed Autonomic Nervous System Analysis of Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol. Medical Acupuncture , Vol.29,No. 2 1 Apr 2017
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DC Electroacupuncture Effects on Scars and Sutures of a Patient with Postconcussion Pain MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE volume28,Number 4, 2016
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Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Non-Specific Lower Back Pain HSOA Journal of Complementary & Intergrative Medicine 2016, 2: 016
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Keep Smiling Doctor Doctor Color Edition Paperback – Jan. 18 2020
A smile is the most powerful expression on earth! It is an expression of connection, positivity, and even love. When we experience a challenging day, it often changes our focus to what is wrong and attracts more of the same feelings trapping us in a mindset of aloneness, negativity, and scarcity. The only way to break this mindset is to shift. This book shares two beautiful stories of the power of a smile and hundreds of photos and quotes from authors, leaders, speakers and celebrities. These peoplewere chosen because they influence us to feel better. Just like a child’s laugh is contagious, so is a smile. This book will help you create a better state of mind to be the powerful person you are. A smile radiates positive energy, and this book will help you attract what you and everyone ultimately wants in life... Happiness! Many would agree that true success in life is a reflection of how many smiles you have. Product details Publisher : Perfect Publishing (Jan. 18 2020) Language : English Paperback : 108 pages ISBN-10 : 1648100007 ISBN-13 : 978-1648100000 Item weight : 159 g Dimensions : 15.24 x 0.66 x 15.24 cm
Hidden Powers of Creation: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality
The term "New Age," which was always a slippery, hard-to-define notion, has fallen out of favor in the (for lack of a better phrase) spiritual community. And if such a phrase is indeed lacking, it's because the new generation of authors, therapists, thinkers, and laypeople are still in the process of coming up with a framework to replace or at least refine "New Age." Therapist, educator, and author Antoine Chevalier is charting new terrain in the spiritual realm by boldly searching for solid ground on which matters of the spirit and hard science can coexist peacefully, even symbiotically. "Hidden Powers of Creation: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality", a tightly written 100-word tome, makes an important contribution to the field by applying a scientific lens to a candid and sometimes personal discussion of consciousness and the mind, Eastern spiritual practices, and the kind of fascinating, inexplicable phenomena lumped into the general category of "parapsychology." The premise of the book is th at we fail to utilize the full range of our mental abilities - that certain aspects or functions of the mind can be honed to improve our well-being and even, miraculously-seeming, affect the physical universe around us. Chevalier is refreshingly honest about his own uncertainty and his investigative approach consists of a careful, measured, scholarly weighing of the evidence. He acknowledges that science is yet to account for many of the things he practices and witnesses, but posits that in time, as research in quantum mechanics and human consciousness advances, the evidence will emerge. Indeed, there is a strong if not conclusive body of evidence already growing. The book's scientific survey is just that-a survey-and could benefit from greater depth and breadth, but it's a solid introduction befitting the work's compact size.But "Hidden Powers of Creation" is not merely an academic tome. Chevalier imbues it with personal accounts of his difficult childhood in France and his early forays into spirituality, such as meditation and fasting, which he credits for empowering him to overcome early hardship. Some of Hidden Powers' most eloquent passages appear when Chevalier recounts these moments of darkness that pushed him toward the light and to finally mature into unity consciousness within. Certain questions are left unanswered, which is sometimes frustrating, but that ambiguity doesn't undermine the biographical narrative or the author's candor. It's a challenge to try to bridge two camps (the scientifically minded and the spiritually minded) and unify multiple genres within one title, but Chevalier's effort is a commendable one that hopefully encourages others to blaze the same trail. This description may be from another edition of this product. Product Details Format:Paperback Language:English ISBN:1542506603 ISBN13:9781542506601 Release Date:January 2017 Publisher:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Length:116 Pages Weight:0.27 lbs. Dimensions:0.2" x 5.0" x 8.0"
医学はまだ病気の本当の原因を知らない! 低層4次元からの憑依に対処する! 日本の人々を覆う未曾有の体調不良と病い その陰にドラコニアン、レプティリアンと名付けられた 憑依の存在がいた⁈ ホワイトハウスのセラピストを19年つとめる Mr.ソリューション(解決)が ついに日本人のサポートに立ち上がった! 俳優リチャード・ドレイファスが推薦文を寄せてくれ、ナスダックでスピーチを依頼され、ハーバード大学から「最も革新的な医学分野での発明」として表彰されたアントワン・シュバリエ博士のドルフィン、ナノライト、ニューロロジカル・インテグレーティブ・セラピーの全貌がここに明らかになる! 「これはただの個人的な感情でも、単なるいち意見でもない。 彼は実際に、私と私の家族の人生を救ったし、縁もゆかりもない人を助けたのも知っている。疑う余地なく信じるほかないんだ。 アントワン・シュバリエは多くの人々が彼の画期的な大活躍を知るべき人。 私は彼のやっていることも強く推薦するよ」 【リチャード・ドレイファス映画俳優】 Dr.アントワン・シュバリエの超先鋭的治療メソッド 第1章私の生い立ち〜スピリチュアル・ブートキャンプを生き延びる〜 第2章神経統合療法 ニューロロジカル・インテグレーティブ・セラピー 第3章姿なき侵略者たち〜異なる次元の邪悪な存在とは〜 第4章電気鍼治療機器ドルフィン 第5章Dr.アントワン・ナノライト 第6章Dr.アントワン世界中で躍進! 登録情報 出版社:ヒカルランド₍2019/8/23) 発売日 : 2019/8/23 言語 : 日本語 単行本(ソフトカバー) : 297ページ ISBN-10 : 4864716641 ISBN-13 : 978-4864716642 寸法 : 13 x 1.7 x 18.9 cm